The first two installments of “Surviving R Kelly” aired on Lifetime last night. The docuseries includes over 50 interviews and appearances by John Legend, Wendy Williams, Sparkle, and civil rights activist Tarana Burke.
Each episode of “Surviving R Kelly” starts with a disclaimer because, although he’s been accused, he’s never been convicted. It chronicles his life and includes his two brothers. His older brother, who was speaking from prison, seemed to think that it was okay for his brother to have a preference for younger women. They covered his marriage to Aaliyah.
Several celebrities didn’t want to participate. Erykah Badu, Jay-Z, Dave Chappelle, Mary J. Blige, Lil’ Kim, and Lady Gaga were among those who wouldn’t talk. Questlove said, “I always thought Kels was trash. My reason for declining the R Kelly docu that I support 10000000 percent is I didn’t wanna be in the ‘good times’ portion of the doc, like stanning for his ‘genius.’ I was asked to talk about his genius. I do not nor have I EVER stanned for him.”
- Two more episodes air tonight and the last two will air tomorrow night on Lifetime.
Source: Pitchfork