He only had a minute to run with his grandmother from their home in Paradise, California as flames from the Camp Fire got closer, but Riley Wooten managed to grab his favorite toy before they fled. The four-year-old had to leave behind everything except that dinosaur named Chompy, including his prized collection of other dinos.
Riley and his grandma made it out safely, but they lost everything in the wildfire. Since then, friends and family have been asking what they can do to help and Riley’s great aunt, Tanya Renfro, posted on Facebookthat maybe someone could send the tot a toy dinosaur since he really missed his collection and people have been happy to help.
Since then, boxes and boxes of dinosaurs, dino-themed blankets, pillowcases, movies, and books started arriving for Riley. He has dinos that walk, talk, light up and roar now and he’s gotten so many replacements, he’s now putting some aside to donate to other kids in need. Riley and his family are grateful for the generosity from loved ones and strangers.
“The outpouring has been amazing,” Renfro says. “I can’t even describe how much the community has come together to help.”
Source: Washington Post