While lots of offices require men to wear a jacket and tie, workplaces may want to rethink that policy if they want to get the best out of their male employees. A new study suggests that neckties aren’t good for men’s brains, which could make some men very happy if it means never wearing a tie again.
Believe it or not, a study out of Germany claims that neckties could be detrimental to work performance because they compress the veins that are important for blood flow to the brain. Researchers discovered this by looking at 30 men,15 in a tie, and 15 not in a tie, and noting that during an MRI scan there was a significant drop in brain function for those in ties, because of a blood flow decrease of about 7.5%.
While workers likely don’t notice any obvious symptoms when they wear their ties, the researchers believe it could be enough to affect cognitive function.
Source: Daily Mail