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#GoodNews - Bar Owner’s Good Deed to Find Purse Helps Change Lives

When a patron lost her wallet with her wedding ring in it at Jimmy’s bar in Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina, owner Jimmy Gilleece made it his mission to find it. And that wasn’t easy: he watched three hours worth of security footage from six different cameras until he spotted her wallet outside on a bench and saw a shady figure approach and sit down.

Jimmy figured out who that was, talked to him and got him to confess to taking the money and tossing the wallet in an ocean channel. From there, the bar owner felt so invested, he hired divers to retrieve the wallet from the water and they got it, with the ring still safely inside.

That’s a lot to do for a random stranger, but it’s nothing compared to what Jimmy did for the guy who swiped the wallet, 17-year-old Rivers Prather. The teen is estranged from his mom and was homeless at the time, so rather than get him in trouble, Jimmy gave him a second chance, letting Rivers move into his home with his family, helping him find jobs and a brighter future.

"I couldn't have been luckier," Rivers says. "Most other people would have just gave the footage to police, and he chose to help me. He's made me part of his family."

Source: CBS News

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