Good to see a legacy of giving back in the face of tragedy and injustice...
A fund set up in the memory of Philando Castile, the food program supervisor at J.J. Hill Montessori school who was shot and killed by police in 2016, has just done something amazing. The Philando Feeds The Children Fund was set up with hopes of reaching $5,000 in donations that could pay off the lunch debt at the school where Castile worked, but they were able to do so much more.
The fund just presented St Paul, Minnesota schools with a check for over $106,000 - enough to cover all lunch debt at all 56 public schools in the city. "That means that no parent of the 37,000 kids who eat meals at school need worry about how to pay that overdue debt," fundraisers write on YouCaring.
Castile was known to dip into his own pocket to make sure the students he knew and loved were able to eat lunch when they didn’t have money, so this cause was dear to his heart. "Philando is STILL reaching into his pocket, and helping a kid out,” fundraisers write. “One by one. With your help.”
Source: GO MN