Lindsay Vonn and other celebrities will probably think twice before keeping naked pictures on their phones. Vonn has been hacked and the nudes were published on the Celeb Jihad website - and she not alone. Katharine McPhee, Miley Cyrus, Kristen Stewart, and Stella Maxwellare also victims.
Interestingly, even though there are pictures of Lindsay on the site, it’s her former boo, Tiger Woods, who’s really mad.
He’s already got his attorney Michael Holtz threatening to sue the site if they don’t take his pictures down ASAP pronto.
At this point, Katharine has followed Tiger’s lead and the rumor is that the other A-listers will follow suit. We’ll keep you posted…
- If you want to see the pics for yourself, feel free to Google ‘em – we’re not gonna invade their privacy further or link to a porn site.
Source: TMZ