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Married Man Fakes Bomb Threat to Avoid Side Chick at Airport

Motaparthi Vamshi Krishna, a 32-year-old man from India, recently got in way over his head. You see, Krishna is a married man, but also had an online, long-distance girlfriend. Recently his girlfriend began pressuring him to book a trip for the both of them, and that’s when things got messy.

Krishna wasn’t 100% on board with the meet-up to begin with, and didn’t even have the money to buy the tickets. Instead of just telling his side chick no, he decided to take advantage of his job as a travel agent and make a fake airline ticket for her.

Shortly before the flight was “scheduled” last Saturday, he then pretended to be a woman who overheard a terror plot and e-mailed the local police.


His e-mail read:

“hi sir am female here am doing this mail frim Hyderabad as i don’t want to revel my details couse am a female and scared of issues, and mailing u this couse in the after noon around 2pm while having lunch there were 6 guys talking those guys are musclims, they were talking abt plane hijack tommarrow in Hyderabad chennai and Mumbai airport they were talking very slowly but unfortunately i heard few conversations abt this, they were saying all us 23 people have to split from here and have to board flights in 3 cities and hijack them at a time. They spoke some other things also but i couls not hear them as i heard only these few sentences from them, i dont know do am i doing correct or not and they are true or not but heard this so kindly go through this and as i informed this as a duty and a citizen of india and pls dont make me to get into issues.”

After the airport beefed up security, investigators were able to trace the e-mail back to a local internet cafe where Krishna was identified from surveillance footage. Krishna confessed during questioning, admitting that he didn’t want to hurt his pride and end the relationship by telling his side chick he couldn’t afford the trip.

He’s now facing four different charges and up to five years in prison. He’s also out a girlfriend AND a wife.

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