Mother’s Day is Sunday, so if you didn’t pick up a gift for mom yet - you still have some time. And if you don't run out to get her something, it looks like you'll be in the minority, since a new poll finds that most people do indeed honor mom on her big day.
Overall, a new RetailMeNot poll finds that 76% of people plan to buy gifts for mom, which is up 6% from last year. Not surprising, more people plan to buy gifts for mom this year than dad, with only 73% of folks planning to go shopping for pops.
As for how much they're spending, folks are planning to shell out $88 for mom, which is up from $58 last year, with men spending way more than women. In fact, guys plan on spending about $101 on mom, while gals will spend only $74.
- So, what exactly should you be spending your money on for mom? Well, the survey finds that 50% of moms would love a nice dinner for Mother’s Day, while 26% want flowers and 26% want a gift card.
Source: Market Watch
So tell us Moms...what do you really want for Mother’s Day this year?