In the third night of protest in the city of Minneapolis, a third police station was set a blaze as protesters displayed their frustration with the criminal justice system. The streets of Minneapolis has been filled with protesters since the video of George Floyd went viral, showing officers pinning him down with a knee on his neck and him pleading to them that he could not breath causing him to die.
Four officers involved with Floyd's death have been terminated, however, protesters are calling for criminal charges. The DA of said he will look at all the evidence before making a decision on whether to charge the former officers. Trump chimed in saying their will be an FBI investigation into the death of Floyd, while condemning the protesters saying that if the Mayor of Minneapolis didn't do something to stop the looting and rioting, he will do something about it. Also the President used the coded language of "Thugs" to describe the protesters.
The late great Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once said that "a riot is the language of the unheard." Maybe if Black people voices were heard, these riots wouldn't be happening. Or maybe if police just stopped killing unarmed Black people, these riots wouldn't be necessary.
-Natomas Slimm
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