A Netflix documentary series on the assassination of Malcolm X is raising enough questions that the case will be re-investigated. The Manhattan district attorney's office said Monday it would review the case after new information came to light following the documentary. They also stated that they are working with the Innocence Project to exonerate the three men who were allegedly wrongly convicted.
Mujahid Abdul Halim, Muhammad Abdul Aziz, and Khalil Islam stand accused of gunning down civil rights activist Malcolm X at a Ballroom in New York on February 21, 1965. The series titled, "Who Killed Malcolm X?," features historian Abdur-Rahman Muhammad looking for answers to the questions around Malcolm X's assassination more than five decades later, including whether the real perpetrators were caught.
I don't know why it took a documentary for his case to be reopened, but at least something is being done. Most people close to Malcolm X doesn't believe those who were arrested were actually the ones who assassinated him.
-Natomas Slimm
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