“Sesame Street” Tackles America’s Opioid Crisis With New Muppet

“Sesame Street” is taking on another tough subject: America’s opioid crisis. When the beloved children’s show returns for its 50th season, Karli will reveal that her mom “was away for a while because she had a grown-up problem” – AKA addiction.

Sesame Workshop honcho Jeanette Betancourt points out that the impact of addiction on families is “something we don’t hear about,” particularly “in a children’s voice or perspective.” “Sesame Street’s” upcoming storyline aims to do just that as part of their Sesame Street In Communities project, offering free content to providers, parents and caregivers.

The show has never shied away from taking on the tougher subjects. Back in 2011, Lily tackled childhood poverty, and in 2013 Alex became the first Muppet with a dad in prison. “We all feel like, our big feelings aside, we’re strong and we can all work together to go through it,” says 10-year-old Salia Woodbury, who joins Karli in the episode.

Source:NBC News

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