Uber Driver Surprises Customer Working Fast Food with Gift Card And Clothes

Uber driver Lamiyah Jabbar recently picked up a woman in Buffalo, New York and drove her to work at Tim Hortons. During the ride, Diane, the passenger, shared that she takes care of her grandchildren and doesn’t have money leftover to buy things for herself.

"She was hoping to be able to get a new dress for church and a robe and house shoes for Christmas," Jabbar explains. And she didn’t want Diane to have to wait until the holidays to get these things, so after dropping her off at work, she went shopping. The driver bought her a $50 Visa gift card and a dress she thought Diane would like and delivered it to her at the restaurant.

As you can imagine, Diane was shocked by the random act of kindness, but she was beyond grateful. "Oh, you're so sweet," she told her from the drive-through window.

"Thank you so much! This has been such a horrible day. You just made my day!"

Source:CBS News

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