If you saw the BET Awards on Sunday, you saw the “tribute” to John Singleton. For the record, “Boyz in the Hood” star Morris Chestnut and “Snowfall” star Damson Idris spoke about the late director.
Not everyone was pleased with it.
Tosha Lewis – the mother of John’s 25-year-old son, Maasai – said that the network did him dirtyby not spending as much time on his tribute as they did on Nipsey Hussle’s. She also claimed that their family didn’t get an invite to the show. You can see the tribute on the right...
Meanwhile, John’s mother, Sheila Ward, says that Tosha is entitled to her opinion, but that she doesn’t speak for the family. Besides, if she has beef with BET or with Nip’s family, Ward says it’s all on her and no one else.