Keanu Reeves has been dubbed a “Respectful King.”
He is known around Hollywood as one of the most modest and humble actors...
Keanu is now getting props from the Twitterverse for the way he poses with female fans.
The actor is now trending on Twitter after users noticed a trend in photos of the actor with female fans, where he sports a “hover hand” instead of posing with his hand touching their back or shoulders. UserKemoy Lindsayhas posted a series of photos to prove it, which you can see for yourself HERE. Here’s what the Twitterverse has to say:
- In the midst of the #MeToo era, original poster Kemoy has captioned the photo series, “Keanu ain’t taking no chances.”
- On the contrary, user PeachShim doesn’t think it’s really about “not taking chances.” “It’s about being considerate and respectful, qualities that Keanu carries in spades,” the fan writes.
- User Chris says ditto to that. “He’s respectful,” he offers. “This should be how it’s done unless ya know the woman doesn’t mind being touched. Keanu should inspire us all.”
- User Polly Karr has a slightly different interpretation. “Keanu has the amazing power to make you feel hugged without ever having touched you,” she writes.
- Cameron Kasky calls the actor “the only hero we have left.”
See these and more reactions below.